Although I am quite busy these days with work and my various hobbies, I ended up putting up a new Amazon store site. I am not much of a gamer but I do buy lots of games and as luck would have it I got stuck with a domain that a customer of mine did not pay me for. The end result is, which is now a pretty good site to browse for all sorts of console games. I have since let the domain name expire and moved the store to my other site. You can find it now at Amazon commissions won’t make me rich any time soon, but like I said, I paid for this domain, so I might as well do something with it.
Personally, I am leaning towards getting a Nintendo Wii soon, but I have to admit that the PS3 is very tempting given the Blue Ray player. My kids have about three Nintendo GameBoys, a PS2, and a GameCube which they all play all the time.
Here’s to good gaming and sore thumbs.