Last week I managed to find time to watch the movie Hitch, which is arguably what I like to call a post-metrosexual men’s movie. In case you did not know it guys, the whole metrosexual thing is a bit played out and we can all go back to being unshaven, unclean, and definitely macho bastards we truly are…. or can we?
The metrosexual fad showed men, that they are as vulnerable to advertising as women are. Magazines like Cosmo who promote women’s good looks do have male counterparts, namely Playboy, but also what I call the trash metrosexual mags like Stuff and Maxim who promote hot women on their covers while making men think about themselves as consumers of fashion inside. Guys, those mags are bad news, you may think Jennifer Love Hewitt is hot, but that’s just a trick to get you thinking about buying more Ax deodorant instead of regular Old Spice or Right Guard.
It’s sad but there is not one store that I can walk into today and buy a man’s safety razor. All there is are disposable twin, triple, quadruple blade disposables that yes, look like something my girlfriend would use on her legs! So even if I did want to consume stuff, all the stores and magazines are not selling men, manly cool stuff, they are selling junk!
Anyway this brings me back to the film Hitch, in which Will Smith shows pathetic men how to be more confident and communicate with women. The film is interesting, not because it is a romantic comedy, but because it actually tries to aim at a male audience. Let’s face it, even with Will Smith in the lead part, the movie does not exactly fit the woman’s romantic comedy playbook. It does not have some stiff looking rich guy as the lead, there’s no big star like Julia Roberts in it, and instead we have Eva Mendez, which is so damm hot, that I’ll even watch a Will Smith movie after I, Robot!
Although Hitch is not a great movie, it is enjoyable and you do get the right advice about getting a woman, and by getting I mean, getting into a meaningful relationship kind of thing, not the other thing.
The secrets to being sucessful with a woman, like The Woman! U Want, like the one you know, not Pamela Anderson are pretty obvious:
One, you listen, and then you listen, and then you listen. That’s it. You don’t interupt, you don’t ask stupid questions, or make stupid comments. When you meet a woman you genuinely are interested in, you really have to make an effort to get to know her. If she truly is interested in you, she will let you know, and if you are too busy talking you might not get the hint.
Be yourself. No not the totally I got wasted last night guy, but the best yourself you can be. Be charming, be interesting, be creative, be great to be around with.
Last but not least have fun, dating is meant to be entertaining, especially for your date! Don’t forget this, even if you find you absolutely are not right for each other or totally disagree on politics, that’s no reason to ruin a good night out. Usually on the first dates, it’s all about her having fun, but if you don’t enjoy yourself at all, than that is not only bad manners, but sometimes women find that personally insulting.